Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight2023-09-02T14:57:29-07:00

FRITZ BEHR – November 2023

Fritz is one of those members you just love working out next to! He always has a positive energy, always works hard, and gives it his all. He consistently makes gains whether it’s a new skill learned or PRing a lift. One of the first to sign up for a challenge or to meet at the Tavern after open gym (sit next to him at trivia night, he’s wicked smart).
“I first got into CrossFit in 2008 by following with a buddy of mine. I quickly got hooked on the concept of functional fitness. Then life got in the way and I stopped working out for a while.
I joined Big Rock two years ago and couldn’t be happier. I still love functional fitness. The community here is awesome— supportive and fun. The coaches have a way of delivering just the right cues, it’s always a good workout when that lightbulb goes off on how a movement is supposed to feel. Getting my first muscle-up after weeks of coaching at open gym was so gratifying.
Staying fit doesn’t come as easy in my 40s as it did in my 20s/30s, but with Big Rock’s help I’m stronger and fitter than I’ve ever been.”


Hannah has been working so hard here at Big Rock, especially in the past few months. This girl comes super regularly, each day walking through the door with a big smile, always upbeat and positive. We absolutely love working out next to her in class!
“CrossFit means a lot to me and I’m so glad I found it when I did.
The thing that has hooked me is feeling strong. I am still working on most of the basic skills and it’s possible I always will be, but I’m not in a hurry. I’m here for the long haul. I didn’t know my body was capable of doing these things and I’m pretty sure I almost missed the boat entirely.
I love that CrossFit allows people at different spots along their journey to workout together, yet at their own level. Thank you, Tess and Corey, for creating such a welcoming space where that can happen. I am proud to be a part of it.”

LANCE MILLER – September 2023

Lance’s strength is top notch and he’s got this stellar gymnastics background. He has CrossFitted with us here twice a week for years. When 2023 hit, he upped his membership to unlimited and now comes regularly. Lance is the perfect example of how CONSISTENCY and HARD WORK PAYS OFF!
“I started going to CrossFit in 2016 and it’s been a lot of fun learning new skills and improving the skills I already had. I like it because I feel like I’m part of a community. I like it because I get to do a workout that most gyms wouldn’t be able to provide. I like it because I can consistently work on my fitness goals with others as they work on theirs.
I’m the type of person that looks at the workout before going to class and, regardless of how brutal it may be, I’ve always looked forward to going. That’s because CrossFit Big Rock has always made me feel welcome. Everyone in that gym is working hard and everyone in that gym will cheer you on whether you’re the first to finish or the last. I’m extremely grateful to be a part of the CFBR community and for the friends I’ve made there.”
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